October 1, 2023

Mission Statement: Building Something New

By Matt Conyer
CEO DraughtLab

“No matter how good the team… if we’re not solving the right problem, the project fails.”
– Woody Williams

7 years of building sensory tools and solutions has taught us a lot. One early truth was that the science mostly stays the same, but the real-world applications evolve daily. It’s the most thrilling and challenging part of the job.

This is why we try new ideas and side projects often. We can’t be in the business of providing tools and services if we’re not in lockstep with our users and evolving with them.

The latest of these projects is called DraughtLab Learning, and we will be sharing some of the behind-the-scenes discussions and details as we go about building it. To kick things off, we thought we would share a few of our core product principles:

Let Users Drive the Bus
Regardless of what any of us “want” this product to be, it will only be good if people value it. To figure out what that means, we must talk to users and really listen. That feedback will tell us where to go.

Try Hard and Fail Small
We won’t get to where we want to be without there being some speedbumps along the way. Let’s test a lot of different things and embrace setbacks as the necessary learning opportunities they are.

Don’t Guess, Test
Most heated discussions on a product feature come from not having all the information. Instead of trying to convince each other of who has the best guess, we should run tests to learn what we don’t know.

More on this product and these methods to come, so keep an eye on this space. We’ll see you out there!